Alright legends it’s been a hot minute since we’ve posted out onto the world wide web but we’re back from our week long honey moon in the Daintree NP where we had a much need break hiking through the rainforest, hunting for a glimpse of a cassowary and snorkeling out at the reef.

We’re now back feeling refreshed and getting into the swing of things.
As you all know we have had a huge amount of rain over a short period of time and then it just kept coming.
Originally we had 621mm over 9 weeks which is over half the years annual rainfall in just over 2 months. Since then in the past 3 weeks we have had substantially less rain but it hasn’t stopped completely.
Every time it’s continued to rain it has re-saturated the farm making it extremely sodden and prevented it from drying out.
When vegetable plants sit in soil that is completely sodden for months on end it dramatically slows growth and stunts the plants ability to absorb crucial nutrients for growth. Plants require a delicate balance of air and moisture within the soil structure for them to perform to the best of there ability or just grow at all.
Over the past few weeks we have been discussing the best way to move forward in the next few months while the grounds still wet and cold.
We had hope to re-open the Farm Stall next Thursday but we have decided to delay for one more week to make sure it’s worth while for us and also for you.
So! The Farm Stall will RE-OPEN on Thursday the 1st of August.
I know we also promised you some very exciting news so check back in this Wednesday for that news

As well as an update on when veggie boxes will start back.
We’re still hard at work planting, seeding and weeding so we can all eat yummy veggies in the coming months.

We hope your all well and can’t wait to catch you soon
Let’s all hope for more sunshine