Spring Plantings AND a new Farmers Market

Spring Plantings AND a new Farmers Market

Last week was a HUGE week! We finished off the tunnel structure, planted the tomatoes and got the plastic on the tunnel at the beginning of the week.

We then attended the inaugural Raymond Terrace Farmers market on Thursday which was a great success (it’ll be on going on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month).

And then we finished up the week by attending the Sustainable futures festival put on by the @econetworkps. It was a great day, we felt very lucky to be involved and had such a great time chatting to so many locals. Thanks to everyone that made it happen.

Somewhere in the mix of all of that we managed to also weed, plant out zucchini’s, sugarloaf cabbage, pak Choi and English spinach!
This week will also be busy planting out more summer crops like cucumber, capsicum and in the coming weeks we’ll also be planting eggplant, jalapeños, basil and more!

We’ve been super busy but having a ball, can’t wait to eat some tasty tomatoes 🍅
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